Why we need to approach masculinism as a terrorist threat: Q&A with Stephanie Lamy

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La radicalisation masculiniste.

Une interview passionnante de Stéphanie Lamy, à propos de son livre “La terreur masculiniste”, qui établit un parallèle entre Jihadisme et masculinisme, à travers des exemples comme les mouvements “Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)” et “Father’s Rights” ou les “incels”.

“Now, there is another thing that happens a lot on social media is that a lot of people try to argue with different masculinists – don’t do that. First of all, it’s a waste of time. If you don’t know the person personally, they will never believe you. There is no point arguing with them. And it gives them the attention that they seek and they will be able to reaffirm their own belief system, right?

So you need to treat it like one and you need to treat people who are radicalised by these movements also like what you said. There is a huge link about how to react, how to portray them. And I think we have to stop laughing at them. That’s for sure. We need to take them very seriously and listen to what they’re saying.”

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Arnaud Levy

Co-fondateur de la coopérative noesya, développeur. Maître de conférences associé et directeur des études du Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (BUT) Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet (MMI) à l'Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Chercheur associé au laboratoire de recherche MICA. Référent Approche par Compétences (APC) auprès de l’ADIUT.